Through Her Eyes: Global Warming

2:27 AM

On your bicycle you explore every block in the neighbourhood, the afternoon weather making you lost in serenity, you didn't want the darken sky to bring you back home. Or some other times, you just made yourself go down the road and stepped into the local park, you never loved walking that much. There was a certain happiness that made you smile at the end of the day, a kind you didn't know you would be losing by time. And when the sun started rising and the sound of interfering alarm from your mom's voice began ringing, the sunlight was warm enough to wake you up. Remember how the morning breeze felt so soothing? What a great way to start off a journey. You never had spirit that much.


Now, people, look around.

Look how crowded the roads are, the wheels barely move, you only have to hit the brake.
Try to think again; lots of vehicles then lots of gas emissions.

1. Heat-Trapping Gasses

Fossil fuels are not only used in transportation, but also in electricity generation, and industrial processes.Gasses such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides, and halocarbons are primarily produced by human activities. These gasses are surely needed to prevent the earth's temperature from going zero, but what happens now is that there is too much of it that it only makes the earth overheating.

Gasses emitted from fossil fuels do have negative impacts on environment -- despite they demand great costs for reducing -- they cause air pollution. In that way, those gasses directly affecting people's health, bringing them breathing problems. Even worse, these gasses are one of the reasons behind the rise of the earth's temperature, because they work in such a way that prevents the heat from going back out of the atmosphere, causing the earth to gets warmer. (than ever!). read more

Have you ever taken a second to glance at your left or right side on (some) highways and look just how green they are? or simply on parks in your town, on the sidewalks.. the trees are making the air feels mild. 
Now they are gone, you find yourself sweating.

2. Green Plants Inadequacy

Trees are really needed on this planet, those beings are playing an important role as the earth's lungs. As simple as converting carbon dioxides to oxygens, if all forests in the world unite together then what a really amazing job they are doing. Since humans are still careless about their environment, they keep producing carbon dioxides (mostly) on their (every day) traffic jams, and the most helping weapons we can have to fight it back are trees.

But no creatures have been more greedy than humans, i suppose, they don't even think of the solutions for the problems they make. Instead of planting trees, they burn the forests instead. (I don't think i can ever understand this kind of thing humans do). See this size of deforestation in 21st century.

The sun we know is still the sun we knew, but this sunlight -- how long have we locked ourselves in arctic to finally found it so hot and start burning our skin? Is this earth we step on going okay with this? No.

3. Temperature Rise

Based on the data released by NASA,  and from what i read from National Climatic Data Center; even though it is different in every region, but the globally-averaged temperature in March - May 2015 across land surfaces and world's oceans is the largest on record. (

"The end result is that the temperature trends over the past 17 or so years has continued to increase with no halt. In fact, it has increased at approximately the same rate as it had for the prior five decades." (

The rise of the earth's temperature is really, really bad. The cute looking polar bears, they are losing their habitats. As the icebergs in arctic start melting, it brings the world to another problem, the rise of sea level. You do know that two-third part of the world is covered by water, have you ever imagined being drown in a really great flood just as wide as an ocean? It is definitely not a good occasion.


On my bicycle i track down the streets of my town, the air i breathe resembles smoke - maybe too much - and the wind doesn't familiarly wash my face off anymore. As the sun starts hiding itself, the sound of horns and empty yells only make me want to rush home as fast as 3 x 108 m/s2. Sidewalks don't look better though, treated badly by those careless hands. I never hate walking this much. When the morning comes to greet me, seems like it has no way of giving me sparks like it used to, i am fine not going anywhere. I never lose spirit this much.

This place - this earth - is not the same place we knew years back then. Gaze into those memories again, and think, how much are you missing that smell of twilight? So distinctive. This is the place we spend every second of our lives and our children' too. How are we going to see it breaking down in hands of the selfish?

Now, people, are you going to keep sitting calm there, or even walk away leaving your burdens far behind your shadows of what you're not supposed to bring off? Well, it is an absolute shameless thing to do.

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